Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Very Little Contact after May 2004

My parents bought their first viatical in July 2001 and were quite surprised that it “matured” (a nice way of saying the insured died) within six months. They bought another one in January 2002 and it also “matured” in less then a year. Starting March 2002 through February 2004, they purchased twenty-four additional viaticals investing approximately $450,000 dollars. According to Viatical Services, Inc. (VSI), none of these policies have “matured” even with the average age of the insured being near 80. My parents and I have always been suspicious of the first two policies legitimacy, but we were never able to get any verifying information from VSI.

Since May 2004, getting any information from the receiver or VSI has been very hard. I have called the receiver, emailed the receiver, posted questions to the receiver on their website, and have never gotten a response. I have talked to VSI personnel twice, even had one to return a call, but never received answers to emails. Once, I was requested to fax them information, but their fax machines always registered busy, even on nights, weekends, and holidays and I finally gave up. I even went to their address in Pompano Beach, but all I found was a mail box. I am aware that the receiver posts information on their website, including frequently asked questions that were helpful, but they didn’t seem to realize that many of the investors were senior citizens not very comfortable using computers to send or receive data.


Anonymous said...

HI Larry, I was an agent of MBC and got a few clients into this mess sadly and I am based in Singapore. I totally agree with you that the Receiver is not giving us enough info fot us to make intelligent decisions. We need the insured's life expectancy re-written!!!!! I am now following up calsely with this case to help investors

larry and carolyn hall said...

i am totaly confused about the whole thing, i believe that there are no people involved in these policies except the crooks themselves . there are no actual people and no legit doctors the theives are taking everyone's money and laughing their asses off at all of us who invested our money in their scheme and they are still ripping us off and getting away with it. i just wish i could meet them face to face and get some kind of satisfaction as to what happened to all of our money.

Craig AZ said...

Hello, I have many Viaticals and 7 maturities over the past 9 years, including one Senior Viatical, & 6 HIV.I too need more info from the reciever. Seems like I was defrauded twice. Once by MBC and now by the Reciever/Court.
Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see this website, and that there are other real people in this situation. My husband and I invested in a viatical policy as well, being assured that it was very safe. We paid our fees, but like you, we are not sure if it is best to keep paying or not. I wonder if we could get more information about these policies in order to make better decisions.
Thank you for creating this blog.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who lost their ability to collect on the loss for not keeping up with the insurance premiums should contact me immediately about how this loss can now directly affect your 2007 tax return.

I also sent a letter to the receiver to see if he'd share this information with others.

I don't have the names of the investors and no way to distribute this information, maybe this blog can help.

Steve Mead
Senior Consultant
JK Harris 165 Services
1-800-830-7617 (Ext. 229)


Frequently, the tax benefit we specialize in creates more recovery through tax refunds over any efforts by a receiver.

Curtis Miner, Esq.
Colson Hicks Eidson
255 Aragon Avenue 2nd Floor
Coral Gables, FL 33134

October 10, 2007

Dear Mr. Miner,

Excerpted from your website:

Q. My investment is stuck in the Receivership. May I take a tax write-off for the investment as a loss?
A. The Receiver is not able to provide investors tax advice.

Is it possible the receivership could lead the investors to advice about their income tax options? Here is an example of a Receiver's efforts in an unrelated case; tailored as an example for the Mutual Benefits, et al. injured taxpayers.

Dear Investors,

Many of you have requested information concerning the tax ramifications of your investment into Mutual Benefits. Certain Investors may qualify for an accelerated deduction treatment under the Internal Revenue Code § 165, which allows fraud victims to lower their tax bills by claiming theft losses. If you qualify, you can potentially write off the Mutual Benefits losses and recapture taxes from previous years.

We are providing investors with a link to JK Harris 165 Services website. JK Harris 165 Services, as well as any other qualified tax professional, may be able to assist you in filing for this special tax treatment.

Please note, the Receiver and his staff are not affiliated with JK Harris 165 Services and do not derive any benefit for their services rendered in any capacity whatsoever. The information being provided herein is solely for the purpose of informing investors of this possible tax advantage.

Please remember that the Receiver and his staff are not qualified to answer your tax questions and request that you not contact our office for tax advice. You are strongly urged to seek the advice from your own tax advisor concerning this matter.

To read more information about IRC § 165 from JK Harris 165 Services website, please click the following link:

Anonymous said...


Steve Grasseschi said...

I have just been made aware of another situation whereby Mutual Benefits investors could be ripped off of earnings which are rightfully ours.
Viatical Services(VSI) bills and receives 100% of the annual premium for kept policies. On certain policies ,VSI does not remit 100% of the premiums collected to the insurance company, but remits a portion, i.e., 25% for quarterly payments.
This results in monies retained by VSI that is invested and generates earnings on balances retained. These earnings rightfully belong to the investors, but VSI has chosen to co-mingle the excess funds from all policies that have retained premiums and is putting these earnings in a "Contingency Account", whatever that is!
Once again, we investors are being ripped off of earnings generated by our money. As a result of my conversation with VSI, they are now going to pay 100% of future premiums collected. Of course, how will we know if VSI doesn't continue the existing policy!
I have emailed the Receiver regarding this matter and am awaiting a response.
In spite of all we investors have had to endure, I still remain hopeful that I will receive my proper return as policies mature.
I have received everything due on three matured policies.
I still remain vigilant regarding the kept policies I am invested in.
I contact VSI at least every six months and have always had my concerns adequately explained.
I constantly review my policies to ensure that I will at least receive, upon maturity, 100% of my total investment. If I perceive a loss occurring, I will determine whether I want to absorb that loss, or cut my loss by not paying future premiums. Fortunately, I have not had to make that decision yet.

Steve Grasseschi

Anonymous said...

Well written article.

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody check out the SEC investigation. See AARP Bulliten January 2009. Mr. Peter Lombardi the so called President has been sentenced to 20 years in a Federal Prison. The VP's are brothers and are looking at 10 - 20. The Attorney Anthony M. Livoti Jr. claims ignorance wonder he invested anything? Look or your 10 to 19 cents on the dollar in the spring. If you're lucky.

Anonymous said...

How about this! I never heard a word about what was going on with MBC until mid 2006. It seems VSI conveniently sent my paper work to the wrong address. So they sold my policies except one. It was thankfully kept by the other investors. I had one that I was the sole investor and would have opted to keep all. I had 3 altogether. VSI said they couldn't track me down except when they wanted me to pay to keep in the one policy. Do you think maybe that they needed X amount of forfeited policies to pay the receiver,lawyers and VSI. What would have happened if 90 percent kept the policies. It's nice when you get screwed by the people that should be there to help you. Is anyone watching to make sure that this whole thing is done right and fair?

Unknown said...

March 6, 2009 Latest update:
'Order Granting Receivers Motion for Approval of Plan Distribution of Receivership Estate'
I am not too bright (if I was I would not have got into this mess in the first place), but that is done and in the past. To be honest, I do not understand this March 6 'order' or anything else about this mess. I do not know if I am in a boat all by myself, and everyone else in the other boat are paying legal fees for advice untill the end (when ever that is). So, untill then I guess I will set in this boat untill it sinks or untill it reaches a safe shore.

Anonymous said...

How do we get updates as to last contact with the insureds? How do we find out if all our accounts are paid up?

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that the original doctor who performed the life expectancy reviews was also indicted and sent to jail. My question then is, has anyone been able to ascertain whether any of the remaining insureds are legit? Is it possible that the insurance is running on a healthy 40 year old and we will be paying premiums for the next 40 years? Anyway to check this out?

Steve Grasseschi said...

In response to Anonymous question "How can we know if our policies are legit?". I have contacted all of the insurance companies that I invested in. I have been able to verify the legitimacy of all my investments. We should all have a copy of the policies we invested in. The insurance company and the policy number and, usually, a phone number can be found on the policy. Give them a call and ask if they can verify any information. Sometimes they won't answer all your questions, but they always can tell you if the policy is still in effect and if there are any legal problems with the policy.
Good Luck. Steve Grasseschi

K H Sweden said...

I have two policies bought in 2003 and none of them have matured yet. As the court documents states, MBC has recieved $1.3 Billion from 30´ investors, and that more than $900 million of these investments were lost, where did the $900 million go? Less than 10 people has been charged for the fraud, and all of their remaining possessions has been siezed by the court. Could they really have spent this money (?) or was/is a part of the $900 million paid to the insured?
Do any one know where the investments are, and if this $900M are still some kind of active? At potential maturity, is it possible to recieve the whole amount or just a dividend? Have any one recieved the full amount after maturity or just a dividend?

Gloria Grening Wolk said...

To answer a few questions:
There are real insureds. I knew one man who died last year. I knew him quite well because MBC cheated him of $30,000 he should have been paid when he sold his policy. I could not get a lawyer to aid him, and so I undertook it myself. If MBC was not under gov't control now, I would not be able to tell the story, because we had to sign confidentiality agreements when they paid him--plus the statutory rate of interest.

MBC also bought policies from Dignity Partners, when that company went belly-up in 1997, and bought policies from the Liberte Capital receiver.

I've reviewed many documents from investors, in an effort to find them an attorney or to get back their funds prior to the SEC action. I recognized names of viators from other lists--bankruptcies, receiverships, etc.

I have no reason to believe the viators are not real. But I have seen some who were diagnosed HIV+ and were asymptomatic. That means they could have a life expectancy of 20 years or more. Seniors whose policies were issued shortly before they were sold to MBC had to be in good health to acquire the policies. Insurers do medically underwrite elderly applicants. That means a healthy 80 year old could have a life expectancy of 20 years.

As for assets from the MBC executives, far too much of those funds pay the receiver and all who assist him. And they generally get paid quarterly.

Steve Grasseschi made an important point about premiums. Premiums that are paid annually are far less expensive than when they are paid quarterly. Quarterly, or semi-annually have a surcharge tacked on. All insurers do this but some charge excessive amounts. The receiver is wasting your money by paying premiums quarterly, when you have paid the annual up-front. Unless I saw figures that showed the funds were in an interest-bearing account that earned more than the cost to pay periodic premiums, I would be highly suspicious of the motive behind doing this. (Unless it was ignorance . . ..)

Do you want to recover your losss? The best way is to go to law school, make contributions that buy you political influence, join the right country club, and become appointed as a receiver. Or a member of his team.

From what I have seen--and I keep track of all viatical receiverships--this is the most lucrative area for lawyers. It is not tied to the economy but there will be greater demand in future years, due to many new scams targeting people who seek higher returns and safety than they could get with mutual funds.

The fees demanded by receivers are comparable to the billions paid to insurance company executives. Some are paid only $3 billion/year. They must wonder why another company pays the "top banana" $25 billion, and how they can get that sort of compensation? (A gov't bailout, perhaps?)

Even when the SEC has argued against the huge fees receivers and their cohorts request, federal court judges "play ball" with the receiver. Apparently, the SEC has no more power than any single investor or, at least, it did not have in past years. The Government Accounting Office (GAO) similarly has complained of no oversight. And Congress has done nothing about this.

It is a sad situation when people who were defrauded by con artists are victimized again by the system that is supposed to protect them.

Anonymous said...

I just received a "Notice of Payment Due" in the mail from VSI. The Pro-Rata Premium Share fee has more than trippled on top of a $240 Annual Administn Administration Fee for policy year 2009 to 2010!!! I think that those people responsible for this greedty mess need to hang by their necks and allowed to rot!!! As far as those who may be taking advandage of those of us trying to recover from this mess. Their are plenty of bullets out there that need to find there way into there bodies...

The skinny on the South Florida Real Estate Market said...

Help...I need some guidance. I would like to recover some of my investment. Thank you!Albert

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